Monday, January 28, 2008

The First Crack

Greetings Earthlet, welcome to the Crack World View. As the title suggests, this is the 3rd iteration of what was originally a column appearing in my high school newspaper. That version was my humorous teenage ranting about the ludicrous, and incredibly mockable culture I saw around me circa the turn of the millennium. It was also a defense/celebration of what could be called 'nerd culture' as well what was at the time alternative culture. These were the days before the geekier bits of culture had become as assimilated as it is now. It ran monthly my Senior year of high school and I'd be surprised if any copies beyond my own exist.

The second version was a personal blog mainly viewed solely by my friends and containing various commentary and observation about what was going on in my life. It also contained more general columns, short reviews, some fiction, as well as links to my college newspaper pieces. This ran continuously since January 2002, and will remain my personal blog. I consider my columns, and reviews for The Lantern as a part of the Cracked World View though the title was not used in the paper itself.

This version is intended as a more professional work blog. In a few weeks I will turn twenty-five and as I have not really had the opportunity to prove myself as a writer since graduating, and this my way of creating that opportunity. Most importantly it's a clean slate for expressing myself, having fun, and growing as a writer. The plan is to feature pop culture commentary, reviews, and some fiction as well. I may even take to social commentary humor writing again, just to take things full circle.

This is a hard line to my brain, this frequency's my universe.